Produced with the Hind Leg of free range pigs of 160-180 kg, acorn exclusiveli fed during the montanera (When they are around 10 months old and weigh between 80 and 100 kg, they are taken to an area of pastureland, where they feed on grass, legumes and acorns. These pasturelands are sparsely wooded meadows typical of the western Iberian peninsula. This period, known as the montanera).
This is why his flavour is so intense and it melts in your mouth without chewing.
Iberico Pata Negra Hams with more than 40 months of curing.
Cut: Produced with the Hind Leg of free range pigs,
: Envuelto en papel antigraso y enfundado en fundas de tela. |
: Jamón de bellota ibérico presentado en una Caja de carton de uso alimentario. |
: El jamón pasa del rosa al rojo purpura en la parte magra y presenta un aspecto brillante de la grasa. |
: Jamón ibérico de sabor delicado, poco salado y de aroma agradable, ausencia de sabores y olores anómalos. |
: Homogénea, poco fibrosa y sin pastosidad. |