The exquisite Iberian acorn cured SUMMUN ham is ready for experiencing after its 48 months of curation in our natural drying places located in Guijuelo. Each piece weighs between 9 to 10 kg.
Obtained from iberian swine fed exclusively with acorns from the iberian pastures where they live freely. Based on the climatic conditions of the dehesas and breeding of the animals our taster pre-select the best pieces of each year.This ham follows all iberian quality standars and has passed the most meticulous regulations extablised by Gijuelo D.O. including isotope and analitic controls. which guarantee that its the best ham that can possibly be purchased.
Gluten freeCut: Produced with the Hind Leg of free range pigs,
: Envuelto en papel antigraso y enfundado en fundas de tela. |
: Jamón ibérico de bellota presentado en una exclusiva caja de regalo. |
: Color intenso rojo intenso y vivo. |
: Aroma envolvente con recuerdo a la dehesa en notas de frutos y hierbas. |
: En boca, la grasa se funde armoniosamente. |